HomeRewards“Girls Academy”Golden Autumn Gifts in October,reviews the game to get amazing gifts!

“Girls Academy”Golden Autumn Gifts in October,reviews the game to get amazing gifts!

Girls Academy
RPG | Raising Sims | Idle

50 SSR draw tickets are being given away to everyone. Leave a comment on the game to receive a redemption code!

Limited-time event now available! Review the game and get Generous Rewards! σ(´∀`‌

Click here to review the game

How to rate & review:

How to Redeem:

Enter the main page of "Girls Academy" → Select the portrait at the top of the game→ Click on the "Redeem Code"→Enter the virtual treasure code→ Click "Confirm"

Points to Note:

1. The gift code is only redeemable on Android and can be only used once.

2. Redeem period: until 2024/10/31 23:59(UTM+8).

3. The code will appear on the event page after you clicked join and commented on the game page.

4. Users can get redeem code no matter what the review score and content are. Be objective!

5. Please do not disclose your gift code, otherwise, it may be falsely redeemed by others.

Event Period:
Event Gifts:
  • ssr card drawing coupons*50
  • 30% OFF card-drawing cards (ie:use 7 card drawing coupons to draw 10 consecutive draws)*10
  • training book II*200
Number of Participants: 1612 / 5000
The event is either finished or full.